Submitted by dada on Mon, 10/08/2018 - 20:17
2018-11-14 00:00:00 2018-11-14 00:00:00 Asia/Bangkok SOUND ADDICTION presents SUPER FLU Wednesdays by SOUND ADDICTION presents SUPER FLU at Cafe del Mar Phuket - Wednesday, 14 November 2018 from 21:00-03:00
Wednesdays by SOUND ADDICTION presents: SUPER FLU (Monaberry , Germany)
support by Adva (Sound Addiction Asia)
A British spaceship has to do an emergency landing in Halle. Professor Quatermass and his colleagues are able to locate the two astronauts Feliks Thielemann and Mathias Schwartz who are in a state of complete shock. There is nothing left but empty spacesuits after their fellow astronauts. However, they find the residues of a jellylike substance in their suits, and at the lab they discover that the substance is Musik 3. When checking the security tapes recovered from the space ship, the conclusion is that an alien life form has snuck on board, which is responsible for the disappearance of the two crewmembers..
For more info & bookings : +66 61 359 5500 or Phuket Thai2Siam